Welcome to my Escort Blog

After escorting more than a decade full-time as a single means of employement, I have so many things to share about my experiences. It is not everybody who personally knows an escort, and maybe never thought that they are more than just a person who gets paid for 'services'. I love writing, so naturally I write about what I know best: my work. Since I don't have any co-workers to chat with, I will let you all inside my little head.

Enjoy, and do not hesitate to contact me!


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hey Guy! New Slideshows on my Blog!

Great news! I had new pics taken recently, played around with picturetrail.com slideshow feature to make some slides. So enjoy the new pics and tell me what you think!

This week I visited the 456 Bathouse in downtown Montreal with a client. This same client we have toured almost all the Montreal gay saunas together as a client-escort 'field trip'. What a great idea! We have known each other for several years, he even saw me compete in wrestling a few years back. Now we have only 2 bathouses left on our list. I am inpressed with the renovations at the 456 and hope that you bathouse goers enjoy it too.

Penis enlargement is still underway, with my current erect length at 8" and girth at 6.75", which coincidentally is the same measurement as my wrist. The thickness is a minor problem for oral enthusiasts with narrow jaws, but I will take something for the pain later ^_^

On that note, here are a few exercises that you want to keep in mind to maximize your oral skills:

Tongue extensions: stick out your tongue as far as it will go. Repeat to the left, then the right, up, down and rotate clockwise and counter clockwise. Hold each position longer each time, then end with total tongue relaxation.

Jaw openers: Open your mouth to its maximum and hold. Experiment to find the best head position for maximum openess, and remember that position. It will be useful to reposition yourself for increase oral pleasure of both partners.

Sucking tip: Go easy on the suction, especially on the tip (urethra)! Open mouth oral is much better than a hoover vacuum effect. It is nice to hear suction noises when watching oral on a porn video, but dick hickeys are not fun, unless you like pain on the tip of your penis.

Well, that is all for today boys and girls! Happy oral!

1 comment:

  1. Great post, really enjoyed reading it and I wish you the best of luck!


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