I was a little hesitant about the last blog entry concerning gratuities, however the result this week was rather remarkable: almost each time I received a tip, some being quite large (+$50) for one-hour appointments. Thank you all, you really make me feel great when you show your gratitude.
On another note: I have changed my working schedule for the flu season. One visitor per day is my new policy, as this will slash my exposure to potential airborne viruses. It will also considerably cut my revenue, which is also why I am no longer accepting regular client discounts that many have enjoyed since I increased my rates earlier this year. Apologies in advance to those who find the common rate unacceptable.
I am happy to be part of the lives of my clients. Here is a little story of what happened this past week.
I was listening to some music while working out at the gym when a song started playing (Adagio for Strings). This song reminded me of one of my clients/friends, who also happened to be on yahoo messenger while the song was playing. So I messaged him on the chat (which is an application that is installed on my cell phone) and told him I was thinking about him. We chatted briefly about being invited to his funeral (long-story-short, to play said song at his funeral) and then that was it. A simple exchange just to say I was thinking of you, something that technology has made simple via cell phone.
When I walk through the village, go to the gym, go groceries, many things go through my mind. Some for friends, some for family, but quite often it is about the men in my life who choose me to be their secret lover. The adventure and thrill of sex with strangers ripens as I discover that each person has an interesting tale to tell, but with sadly not enough time and energy to fully understand him (even if that was possible). I am reminded of that fact as my main problem in life is an over-active sexuality, which is now an asset that holds an inherent problem: too many people too little time. It is like a kid in a candy store: too many good things; but if I get as much as I want I will get sick from over indulging.
I caught a cold a few weeks back that forced me to cancel a week's worth of appointments, sorry if yours was one of them. I got my H1N1 vaccine last week, and I hope it works like it is supposed to.
Tomorrow is the first day of December, and soon the holidays. I plan to be here in Montreal this season, and seeing appointments until New Year's Eve where I will take a few days off.
Take care, and see you soon!
Gay escort in Montreal, Quebec, CANADA. These are some of my thoughts pertaining to my work as an escort and the interesting clients that visit me. By sharing my observations, people will understand why prostitution is the oldest profession of mankind, in a variety of forms.
Welcome to my Escort Blog
After escorting more than a decade full-time as a single means of employement, I have so many things to share about my experiences. It is not everybody who personally knows an escort, and maybe never thought that they are more than just a person who gets paid for 'services'. I love writing, so naturally I write about what I know best: my work. Since I don't have any co-workers to chat with, I will let you all inside my little head.
Enjoy, and do not hesitate to contact me!
Enjoy, and do not hesitate to contact me!
how do you feel about poppers?
ReplyDeleteInteresting to hear an escort's perspective on tipping. Sometimes I tip and sometimes I don't, but it has less to do with the whether I had a really good time and more to do with how I perceive what the fair value of the service offered is. Strangely, I find that some escorts under-charge for whatever reason. In these cases, I usually tip to bring the amount up to what I thought they should have charged in the first place. If I think they are over-charging, then I don't tip even if I have a good time, because I consider the tip built in.