Welcome to my Escort Blog

After escorting more than a decade full-time as a single means of employement, I have so many things to share about my experiences. It is not everybody who personally knows an escort, and maybe never thought that they are more than just a person who gets paid for 'services'. I love writing, so naturally I write about what I know best: my work. Since I don't have any co-workers to chat with, I will let you all inside my little head.

Enjoy, and do not hesitate to contact me!


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Affection Outsourcing

Affection is something that can fizzle away after years of living together. This is true for straight and gay couples, as well as with our families and animal pets. So what can be done about? Living in sub-clinical misery is not the only option.

The decline of relationship pleasure and affection is noted by changes in bodyweight, which coincides with the symptoms of depression. The more someone gains weight, the less attractive they feel, and when the partner doesn't notice, it means that they are not worth noticing. And like a weed, it will grow unchecked if not nipped in the bud.

So what does a man do when in a couple and not getting enough affection? The first thing is to talk to your partner, and that is not easy without bringing up feelings of blame and other defense mechanisms to reduce fault. If the net result from such a discussion is positive, then you reap the rewards of maintaining good communication. But when things are worse off than before, and you really need to find some loving and affection, then outsourcing is a viable option. Getting your affection from elsewhere while maintaining status quo with your current partner doesn't seem logical, but if you remember that if a massage feels great, making love with a good actor is the step above it. And it feels good to have someone on standby while dealing with your problems. Listening to clients who need someone to pay attention to them, being taken for granted by their lovers seems to be the underlying message.

While many would feel like they are cheating, some live this way for years anyways. Falling in love feels good, but falling in love with an escort is safe, since the client is in control over how much time he wants to spend. Love with our regular lover changes over time, and because of habit or feeling prisoner men do not want to start over with a new person and run the risk of rejection all over again. So you should do what it takes to make yourself more happy; find someone whose answers to your desires are yes.

Even one session provokes strong emotions. In many cases it renews the individual and gives courage to face the relationship in a more positive light. In some cases, it opens up one's mind and clarity sets in, and one knows what they want and don't want in life. Quite a few of my clients have come out of the closet during the time I've known them.

But on the other hand, some do not have regular sex partners for various reasons. These guys are single, and concentrate on work. Relationships are often difficult, so avoiding them is a way of life. This is where escorting becomes their only means of getting affection, and a symbiotic relationship develops. These relationships are essential for both involved, since everyone wins and goes home happy. The escort pays his bills, and the client has something to distract his mind for a short while until the next time.

But acting affectionate is still affection given; over time and continued association this acted affection becomes genuine. Escorts know exactly how to please their regular clients over the long term because it is our job to know. In. A regular relationship the partner is not required to maintain a high level of pleasure, since there is security that the other will always be present no matter what. This is untrue for escorts, where if the client is not satisfied they could easily find another escort. Perhaps this loose tie is what makes it so easy to cheat, since there are no expectations once all transactions are completed.

Wow, this post is long! Time to enjoy St Jean Baptiste Day, which is Quebec's holiday. Have fun and take care!


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