Welcome to my Escort Blog

After escorting more than a decade full-time as a single means of employement, I have so many things to share about my experiences. It is not everybody who personally knows an escort, and maybe never thought that they are more than just a person who gets paid for 'services'. I love writing, so naturally I write about what I know best: my work. Since I don't have any co-workers to chat with, I will let you all inside my little head.

Enjoy, and do not hesitate to contact me!


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Taking Care of Your Own Needs In a Relationship

Sometimes we fall in love with someone who is not compatible sexually; this is actually pretty common. Compatibility issues such as partner refusing to explore sexually, like resisting anal sex or performing orally, is a mild issue in the beginning, yet what starts out to be a crack in the pavement slowly becomes a pot hole over time. The investment in the relationship is at a point where breaking up because of sex sounds petty; but sex is no longer fun and is confined to the pleasure of the limit maker. So what do you do?

Let's use an artistic analogy. When I was studying sculpting, the basic shape is very important at the beginning. Small flaws are overlooked at this stage, but as the sculpture develops, and a perfectionist mindset sets in, all little problems are amplified. The sculpture is nearing completion, yet I am still not satisfied because of a problem that only I am focussing on. But there comes a point where I decide that the sculpture is finished, flaws and all, because there is no point in spending more energy on the problem (basically I learn to accept and live with it).

In a relationship, there are many flaws we have to accept in our partners. But we realize that they also have to accept our flaws as well. If we are in a monogamous relationship, sexual incompatibilities may be an issue depending on the actual definition of 'monogamous'.

If monogamous means not loving other people romantically, this usually includes not having sex with other people. This type of relationship is the most confining but has the potential to be the most rewarding of all relationship types. This type of relationship scares a lot of guys, including me. Some guys are capable of loving a lot of people because they are full of love. Jealousy and insecurities twist this concept into loving someone else to hurt someone we already love; this is identified as passive aggressive control. People who love a lot do so because it is part of their nature and it makes them happy, not because it will intentionally hurt someone else.

If monogamous means not falling in love with another, but meaningless sex (whatever that means) is permitted as long as it is discreet and hidden, then the obvious choice is to see an escort, who has no long term agenda in the encounter, and can be available very discreetly without having to cruise for a mate in a public area. The escort is responsible to please the client needs, within reason. The most common problem new clients have with escorts are forcing the escort to have a good time, probably because they have spent such a long time trying to please their partners with hopes that they will someday give in to their demands sexually. With an escort, you should focus on your own selfish needs and enjoy it, because the escort will appreciate you more for it. Quite frankly you should focus on the service, not the worker. It may seem self-centered, but consider getting a massage: remove the focus from the masseur and more into the massage. An important skill is being used here: taking care of oneself. Learn to focus on your own pleasure, and your sessions with an escort becomes more fulfilling because he does what he does best: pleasing the client directly. If your pleasure comes only from pleasing others, then you may be lacking the skills to taking care of your own needs directly. You may need to accept the fact that no one can ever love you more than you are capable to love yourself. Say no to selflessness for a while and indulge yourself.

You deserve it!

Thanks for reading!

Ronielle out

Location : 1620 Rue Saint Hubert, Montreal, QC H2L 3Z3,

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