Welcome to my Escort Blog

After escorting more than a decade full-time as a single means of employement, I have so many things to share about my experiences. It is not everybody who personally knows an escort, and maybe never thought that they are more than just a person who gets paid for 'services'. I love writing, so naturally I write about what I know best: my work. Since I don't have any co-workers to chat with, I will let you all inside my little head.

Enjoy, and do not hesitate to contact me!


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Newly Painted Staircase and Love

I have started a new painting project for my stairs, since I felt that the time is right for a new look. Taking time off to work on it is a privilege, and watching the process is something I long anticipated.

My ad in the Zip magazine is a full frontal shot, and now all my viewers in the gay village here in Montreal will know what I look like in my birthday suit. Here is the picture.

My research in penis enlargement has gone to depths as deep as genetic manipulation, which I believe will be the future of medical drugs. The obsession with body modification is becoming somewhat of a tool for knowledge, where I search and discover new things in pursuit of the rare and fabled 'Monster Cock'. Life is funner with a bigger dick, though!

Business as an escort, for me, is about providing the best experience possible for my client (first) and myself (second), in relation to the amount of compensation. To accomplish this, I dig deep into myself and believe I am in love with my client. Saying 'I love you' becomes a natural thing to say, and I do share that phrase with my clients. We all have the need to love someone, as well as to feel loved by someone. The main obstacle in getting to this state is logic. It wouldn't be logical to love someone who is being paid for his services. I agree.

Why should a client fall in love with an escort like me? Here is my reason why: because the emotions of love are real, and can bring joy to other areas of your life, even with your other relationships. And the escorting session becomes that much better, and I get to like you more each time we meet. Isn't that what makes a good relationship, where we enjoy each others' company and the time together is top quality. I think that practicing to be in love is a skill, because you discover more about what makes you happy in life.

Enough about that, why don't I end it with another picture I took a few weeks ago.

1 comment:

  1. Hey ron, this is Neil from BC, howa re you beautiful? Does my sweater still fit you? Wow, you are really looking great handsome, can't wait to see you again!


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